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Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

The Emotion Code: Addresses the Body’s Intelligence

Dec 01, 2015 09:16PM ● By Susan Giangiulio

The Emotion Code technique was created by holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson, using Applied Kinesiology, or muscle testing, to communicate with the subconscious mind. This technique is based on the belief that traumatic emotional events from our past can still be haunting us in the form of trapped emotions that inhabit our body.

The Emotion Code technique has been claimed by proponents to be able to release trapped emotions, helping eliminate past personal obstacles, self-sabotage, recurring relationship difficulties and other limiting beliefs and behaviors.

The subconscious mind overrides the conscious mind. Our body expresses subconscious emotions through physical symptoms, behavior or even the inability to verbally release toxic emotions. As Dr. Darren Weissman states in his book Awakening to the Secret Code of your Mind, “All pain, fear, and stress are subconscious expressions of emotion based upon protection and learning.” Once we discover and harmonize the emotions, which are the root cause of the symptom, those symptoms begin to ease and ultimately go away.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, in his book The Emotion Code, states that the ancient physicians were on to something when they observed that people that lived in anger tended to suffer from liver and gall bladder issues; those that lived in fear tended to suffer from bladder or kidney issues; and those that lived in grief tended to suffer from lung or colon issues. Some say today that our entire body is intelligent, not just our brain, and that our organs house individual intelligence that performs certain functions and produces specific emotions or feelings.

Susan Giangiulio is a certified LifeLine Technique practitioner and a certified Emotion Code practitioner. Contact her at 850-240-2279 or visit For more information, visit

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