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Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

Summer- The Season of Play!

Jun 02, 2023 11:19AM ● By Daralyn Chase

Now that summer is in full swing here in Northwest Florida, Scott and I hope everyone is enjoying the season as much as we are. There truly is nothing that compares to summer. That’s because summer is the season of play!

There is nothing more liberating, more exhilarating, more intoxicating than getting lost in play. When we’re playing, we lose track of time, our bodies and minds feel incredibly alive, and our troubles seem to disappear. When we’re in this zone, we get to remember the importance of this sacred time. However—we often get lost in the drama and doldrums of “adulting” and find ourselves so focused on our work and to-do lists that play gets put on the back burner—if we even ever get to it! 

That’s why children are so amazing. Watching their little selves come alive and experience sheer delight from playing make-believe, bringing Legos to life, or riding their bikes for hours on end, reminds us of the importance of play. When your mind is free of worry, and you’re in the vibration of play, the world becomes a magical place. 

And speaking of magic… Something magical happened here this past week. Scott got the opportunity to weave some magic between our editor, Erin Lehn, and one of our beloved advertising partners, Sandcastle Radio. This amazing listener-supported global radio station was launched last November by radio personalities Deborah Bassett and Pete Perez. The heart-led pair formed the radio station out of a shared passion for supporting good music of all genres and the musicians that created it. Erin recently launched her first song titled You Mean the World to Me, which Scott and I fell in love with at first listen because it evokes pure joy! Scott shared the song with Deborah and Pete, who loved it so much they played it live on their radio show and added it to their Monday Indie playlist, continuing to spread the love and joy. This warms our hearts because connecting the community in beautiful ways is exactly why we love being publishers of Natural Awakenings. To learn more about Sandcastle Radio and how you can help support its noble mission, check out our Community Spotlight on page 20. 

In honor of Father’s Day, we gladly present you with the Men’s Health issue, filled with many helpful articles on men’s health. Whether you’re a father or a father figure to someone, or you’re celebrating your father, there are nuggets of wisdom for all the men in your life. The article “What Every Man Wants,” which focuses on sexual vitality at every age (see page 26), offers wonderful advice on maintaining libido and energy, as well as hormonal balance. The inspiring feature on Dr. Mark Hyman titled “Living Healthy to 100 and Beyond (see page 30)” is a must-read for those who want to live a long, healthy life. You can also read an informative article on metabolism in Our Conscious Eating column (see page 32). 

In the spirit of this publisher’s letter, we invite all our readers to find a way to make this summer a season of joy, laughter and play!

Scott & Daralyn

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