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Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

KETAMINE SOLUTIONS: Transformative Therapy in Destin

Jan 03, 2024 12:43PM ● By Jean Pate

Complete Ketamine Solutions in Destin, Florida, is a national leader in Ketamine Infusion Therapy. Clinic co-owner Melanie Yost attests that ketamine has myriad benefits for those struggling with mental health conditions. “It’s extremely effective in helping people struggling with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic inflammatory pain find relief so they can live happier, healthier lives,” she explains. Most notably, says Yost, ketamine therapy offers hope. 

According to Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Ketamine targets different subsets of neurotransmitters in the brain than conventional SSRIs, so patients who haven’t found therapeutic effects with traditional antidepressants may have better luck with ketamine therapy.

Explained in A Brief History of Ketamin, at,  In 2000, the first randomized, double-blinded study was published in Biological Psychiatry.  In this study, Dr. Berman et al. reported the antidepressant effects of ketamine in patients suffering from depression.  And in 2012, researchers called ketamine, “the biggest breakthrough in depression research in a half century.” Other studies are showing that ketamine may be effective in OCD, PTSD, anxiety, and suicidal ideation as well.

Natural Awakenings recently caught up with Melanie Yost to discuss some of the most common questions surrounding ketamine therapy. Please note: Licensed healthcare professionals must administer this therapy in a professional clinical setting. Ketamine is not a recreational substance and should not be viewed as such!

Ketamine therapy is decades old, but many people are just now starting to hear about it. Why is that? 

In the 1970’s ketamine was successfully used to treat PTSD in U.S. soldiers that went to Vietnam. However, because of the stigma around other psychedelics at the time, they abandoned its use in favor of the newly emerging SSRIs that didn’t have addictive qualities. Now after 50 years of using SSRIs, researchers are finding that there is very little evidence that depression is caused by a lack of serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine.  In fact, SSRIs work in only about 40 percent of the people who take them.  Ketamine, on the other hand, has an 80 to 85 percent efficacy rate in treating mood disorders and pain.

Have there been many scientific studies done on the use of ketamine? And how long does it take to notice results?  

In the last six years, there have been over 2,000 papers written about ketamine and its ability to help treatment resistant mood disorders. They have found that ketamine begins to provide relief from the symptoms of depression immediately after the first treatment. Longer term relief from depression is all about neuroplasticity.  When six ketamine treatments are completed in a 2 to 3 week period of time, the ketamine creates longer term positive mood changes by rewiring neural circuits in several important ways. Additionally, it binds to the receptors in the opioid pathway to provide relief from chronic inflammatory pain.  

How is ketamine administered?

There are four main ways to administer ketamine: sublingual, nasal spray, inter muscular injection, and IV infusion.  We use IV infusions because they allow the ketamine to be immediately bioavailable. The dose we give is exactly what you receive. With the other administration methods, the ketamine has to be metabolized in the body and because everyone metabolizes medication differently, the amount of ketamine you actually receive is lower than the dose given. 

What can a person expect when they come for a treatment?

At Complete Ketamine Solutions, we are focused on our client’s comfort.  Our infusions include a combination of medications and are administered in a comfortable spa-like setting by our caring, compassionate nurse practitioners to ensure you have the best possible treatment experience.

What sets us apart is our dedication to affordability and a patient-centric approach. We offer ketamine therapy at a fraction of the cost charged at other clinics, with superior treatment protocols, extended service hours, and a host of amenities. We provide options such as aromatherapy, weighted blankets, and eye masks, as well as snacks and beverages. All of this is provided in a comfortable environment staffed by compassionate professionals who treat clients like family.

Our top priority is the health and well-being of our clients, and we eagerly await the opportunity to guide you on your journey toward a healthier, happier life.  

Location: 4641 Gulfstarr Dr., Ste. 105, Destin, FL. For more information, call 850-786-2051, or visit

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