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Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

Letter from the Publisher: March 2024

Feb 28, 2024 04:49PM ● By Scott Chase

Knock, knock! Who's there? It's March, outside gently tapping at the window pane of 2024, signaling the passage of time as it marches forward with unstoppable momentum toward the end of the first quarter. Ah, yes, the herald of March brings with it the promise of warmer days, bidding adieu to the icy grip of winter and beckoning us to emerge from our seasonal slumber.

As we embrace the changing seasons, so too does our focus shift in this month's issue. It's time for a transition, a shifting of the seasonal guard, as we delve into the realm of food and nutrition. With the arrival of March, farmer's markets awaken from their winter dormancy, showcasing the fresh bounty of the season and drawing crowds eager to indulge in nature's offerings.

Here in Northwest Florida, the onset of March marks the beginning of outdoor festivities. Among the first to grace our calendars is the Pensacola VegFest, a beloved event now in its 6th year, set to take place at Maritime Park on Saturday, March 23rd. And let's not forget the bustling farmers' markets scattered throughout our region, offering a cornucopia of locally grown delights.

Aligning perfectly with the spirit of the season, our feature article, "Food Trends for 2024," awaits you on page 24, inviting exploration into the evolving landscape of healthy eating choices. And what better way to nourish oneself than by starting from within? Turn to page 32, to discover the secrets of maintaining optimal colon health through the lens of Functional Medicine.

Intrigued by the topic of medical marijuana? Dive into the insights shared by our esteemed local MD, Dr. Sheila Davis, on page 22, as she sheds light on its usage and therapeutic applications for various conditions, with “Weed Wonders”.

Meanwhile, over in our Conscious Eating Department on page 28, embark on a journey with "Planting for the Planet”, Seven Herbs to Grow, Eat and Heal Cultivating these herbs at home is not only a delight for the senses but also a rewarding endeavor for both the soul and the wallet. Imagine the culinary delights awaiting as you infuse your dishes with the vibrant flavors of freshly harvested herbs!

As we venture further into 2024, we extend our warmest wishes for a year filled with kindness and abundance. So, saddle up and venture forth to embrace the wonders of Northwest Florida in all its glory. After all, if Punxsutawney Phil's prediction holds true, it's bound to be an early spring—so let's make the most of it!

Scott & Daralyn 

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