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Natural Awakenings Northwest Florida

Letter from the Publisher: June 2024

Jun 04, 2024 07:12PM ● By Scott Chase

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the June edition of Men’s Wellness! Summer is here, and with it comes the perfect opportunity to get healthy, save the planet, and maybe even impress a few people along the way. We've packed this issue with everything you need to transform yourself into the ultimate man of mystery and wellness. So, grab your sunglasses and a tall glass of something cold, and let's dive in!

First up, we’re diving deep into Saving Our Oceans (page 18). If you thought your last beach vacation was all about sun and sand, think again. Our oceans need saving, and not just from your uncle’s questionable Speedo choices. We’ve got the lowdown on how you can help keep our waters clean and vibrant. Spoiler: it involves less littering and more eco-friendly habits. Remember, every time you skip a plastic straw, a sea turtle high-fives a dolphin (or so we like to imagine).

Next, we shine a spotlight on some local business superheroes. Check out Regeneration Station (page 20), a place in Pensacola where you can get your energy back utilizing the EESystem. And while you’re on your health journey, swing by the New Vitamin Shoppe (page 22). They’ve got everything you need to keep your body in top shape, including some supplements that might make you believe in magic. Seriously, one visit and you'll feel like Popeye after a can of spinach.

We also tackle a topic that’s as crucial as finding the perfect barbecue sauce: Solving Mental Health Issues in Men (page 24). Think of this as your mental tune-up guide, helping you navigate the complex landscape of feelings and stress. Because, let’s face it, bottling up your emotions is so last century. We’ve got tips on mindfulness, therapy, and maybe even how to talk about your feelings without sounding like a rom-com character.

Speaking of real-life superheroes, don’t miss our feature on Jeffrey R. Gladden (page 28). This guy is like the Batman of wellness, minus the brooding and Batmobile. Dr. Gladden’s work in health and longevity will make you rethink your entire approach to aging. Warning: side effects of reading this article may include sudden urges to run marathons and eat kale.

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty with Prostate Protection (page 30). This is your annual reminder to pay attention to your health below the belt. It’s not the most glamorous topic, but trust us, your future self will thank you. We’ve got the latest tips to keep your prostate in check and ensure you’re not just surviving but thriving.

For the environmentally conscious among us, check out Green-Home Design Tips (page 34). Who knew saving the planet could also mean scoring major style points? From solar panels to sustainable furniture, we’ve got the tips to turn your home into an eco-friendly oasis. Impress your neighbors and Mother Earth with your green-savvy skills.

If you’re aiming to get ripped this summer, look no further than Building Quality Muscle (page 38). We’ve compiled the ultimate guide to bulking up the right way, with no gimmicks and all gains. Prepare to flex those muscles and turn heads at the beach this summer—just remember to thank us when you’re the center of attention at every barbecue.

And for the dog dads out there, don’t miss Cannabidiol for Dogs (page 36). Because if you’re living your best life, your furry friend should too. Discover how CBD can help with everything from anxiety to arthritis, ensuring your pooch is as chill as you are this summer.

So there you have it, gentlemen—another issue packed with wisdom, humor, and just the right amount of bad puns. Here’s to a summer filled with wellness, adventure, and maybe even a few heroic deeds. Stay strong, stay healthy, and most importantly, stay awesome.

Yours in wellness,

Scott & Daralyn 

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