Letter from the Publisher: January 2025
Dec 30, 2024 08:00AM ● By Daralyn ChaseAs we write this, the end of 2024 is fast approaching; by the time you read this, 2025 will be underway. In reflection of 2024, we want to give a big thank you to our readers, sponsors, distribution locations and staff for helping to make this publication possible. We appreciate you, enjoy hearing from you or seeing you and are excited to watch this group of people expand. We are blessed with a fantastic and growing community.
As we look forward to this new year, we have decided to utilize some favorites found in this month’s articles to steer us through our days, especially since 2024 had a good share of stress due to extreme weather, big events and lots of politics. We have watched hard lines being drawn regarding who is right and who is wrong, which has sometimes resulted in disputes or estrangement between family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers. It has been unpleasant, if not hurtful, for many people. How can we move forward in peace and with joy while these divisions exist among us?
Try shoshin; which is the Zen Buddhist idea of beginner’s mind and covered in our feature article, page 24. What better way to start fresh than with a mind that is open, filled with curiosity, bursting with a sense of wonder and looking out with an optimistic perspective? Hope and confidence about the future feel like the tools needed to tackle this year. Starting (or restarting) a gratitude journal is one way to recognize all the good that surrounds us and to feel more positive. We especially love the shoshin principle “there is not anything fundamentally wrong with us or with the world.” The concept of an open and flexible mind already feels better than fear, intolerance or division. We got this. You got this.
We were also touched by the Inspiration piece, page 32, about opening new chapters. A year is like a chapter, and we can make ours Chapter 2025, Chapter 1 or Chapter XYZ. If we approach whatever this chapter holds with that beginner’s mind, we can flip anxiety into excitement because “beginners have nothing to prove.” Curiosity can rule our forward progress instead of fear. We will take the encouragement of this article to try new things, meet new people and visit new places!
With all of this going on, we better check out page 28 and make sure we are getting Foods for Better Moods to keep our brains and guts functioning. We’ve heard it before, but after a few holiday cookies (OK… a few batches) we need to come back to the fact that our bodies function best when we eat real, whole foods. We can’t get the nutrients we need from processed foods (or most holiday cookies) and our mental and physical health requires these nutrients to stay balanced. Let’s spend more time in the produce aisle.
So much to do and a whole year to get it done! Start with small steps, small changes and small portions of new vegetables. Set goals but be gracious with yourself. Smile at people. Smile at your food. Lay in the grass and smile at the sky. Let’s get in a groove of happiness and joy and take it from there!
We would love to hear how you are using what you learn in Natural Awakenings to get your year off to a great start!