Harnessing Oxygen: The Healing Potential of Hyperbaric Therapy
Jul 31, 2024 09:00AM ● By Dr. Jason Sonners
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT or HBO) involves exposing a person to increased atmospheric pressure and a higher percentage of oxygen, resulting in a higher partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) than what is typically experienced in their environment. This change in oxygen pressure affects the entire body, with the overall benefits of hyperbaric oxygen based on three variables: pressure, percentage of oxygen, and time.
Improved cellular energy and mitochondrial efficiency, enhanced DNA replication and repair, increases in stem cells, increased telomere length, and improved cellular signaling capacity are all associated with better cellular physiology and repair. Studies have shown that hyperbaric therapy can assist with all these processes.
In the last 10 to 15 years, interest in hyperbarics has grown to explore its potential uses for chronic, non-life-threatening conditions. While these conditions may not be acute, they still significantly impact the quality of life for those affected and cost patients and the medical system billions of dollars annually. Hyperbaric therapy offers a high potential for impact and—compared to many alternatives—is a safe, relatively affordable, and effective treatment strategy for the majority of chronic illnesses.
For 20 years, the International Hyperbarics Association (IHA) has worked to educate the community on the benefits of hyperbaric therapy, aiming to provide accessibility for those in need to improve health and wellness.
Dr. Jason Sonners, DC, DIBAK, DCBCN, is an IHA board member. To learn more about hyperbaric therapy or the International Hyperbarics Association, visit IHAUSA.org.